Of course, it hasn’t always been this way. I’ve faced burnout, built teams, seen people leave, recruited others, persevered, sold high-value HR services, and forgotten to hit pause when other priorities emerged, including my child. I only truly took a break when my child was already 1.5 years old.
Since 2018, and especially after becoming a mother, I’ve dedicated my time to supporting women. I’ve successfully helped over 2,640 women (and a few men) gain clarity about their professional paths and develop action plans to take the necessary steps toward a career tailored to their identity.
Most of the women I’ve worked with chose their profession based on the suggestion of a well-meaning adult or a relative who seemed to have a good relationship with their job. Years later, these amazing women realized they disliked their work, hated it, or were completely bored by it. Out of inertia, they either continued climbing the corporate ladder or remained stuck in the same role, eventually realizing they had lost control of their future.
In my experience, 90% of women have everything they need to take control and change their career direction in a way that aligns with their current values and their identity at 30, 40, or 50 years old.
Although individual coaching and career strategy are my main passions, I believe career resources and information should be available and accessible to everyone. That’s why, twice a year, I organize the Dare.Do® Academy group program at an affordable price, so you can kickstart your own professional revolution and start managing your career TODAY.