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Armina Sîrbu – DareDo!

I wear many hats. Some battered, some new: Entrepreneur, Learning Architect, People Development Consultant. Recently turned Mom and Career Strategist.

As a Career Strategist I am a no-bullshit, truth-teller:

  • Assist women in planning career moves aligned with their identity – from resigning strategies, to healthier work-life balance tools
  • Propose solutions – from CV customization to fit specific jobs, industry switch competency plan design, to personal branding makeovers
  • Smooth professional transitions – from employee to freelancing or entrepreneurship and vice-versa
  • Help you learn anything faster – with my ”Learning Agility Essentials” e-course you can upgrade any skills by becoming a self-directed learner

As a Learning Architect and Consultant I like to design customized people development solutions:

  • (e)Learning design – online and offline content, curriculum, trainers’ manuals, participants’ handouts
  • Events design – hackathons, conferences, assessment centers, topic workshops, geeky team buildings
  • Social games design – for playful learning, for fun, for a nice evening with your team
  • Products & services design – for 360 feedback, recruitment, competencies assessment, talent development

My story started in 2002 when I was 18 and together with 6 friends we founded a company that designed educational software. It made exams’ passing for children, much easier. I finished computer science university and a masters in HR. Since then at every crossroad I chose the path toward work that could make a bigger impact.

In 2007 I started offering business consulting services on HR & IT projects in Rent eBrains. My fascination for cultures and languages got me to manage translation projects in Reb Translations.

I founded Icebreaker Community to be my lab for experiments and games design.

I love being a woman, therefore byArmina.com is the playground where I create elegant tools and useful workshops for women. I think youth need role models, so I created original educational products for Scoala de Valori and through them, I worked with almost 100 famous companies from Romania.

It’s hard to put me in a category and I consider that my strength. A management consultant that behaves like a designer? A learning designer that manages HR projects? An HR obsessed with games design? A trainer and career coach for youth communities? A mother with a knack for self-discovery? Yes, yes, yes and yes!

I am a tireless optimist, designer and thinker who loves a good challenge that could have social impact and has a slight chance of creating a ripple effect. I research, write, draw, train and thus create unexpected solutions for individuals and companies’ problems. I my spare time I like to help people as a career strategist and self-directed learning coach.

“An ideas person is never content; they always want to push in a new direction. They create new opportunities by asking intelligent, provocative and innovative questions. They are restlessly ambitious about creating better clothes, cars, planes, hospitals and worlds for everyone.”  — Rod Judkins
I am an ideas person. Purpose-driven, future-proofing, change-pushing. My solutions are built to take you from point A to point B through transformation.

After 20+ years of work, here’s what I know about successful transformation:

It has deep roots. It kept us alive as humanity, on this planet. Transformation can happen only if each person involved has an internal motivation to make it work. It starts with one individual and it continues with many. It’s personal at first and then it’s tribe-based. It has to be future-proofed, which means that is meaningful and it won’t just fix the current problem from point A, but will open up new possibilities and build up to them in a realistic way. Transformation is not a process with a time limit and a budget and you can put point B as a clear target, but it’s a moving target. Because the better you get at change management the more you will push to change to a better point B. So I help you build your own capacity to transform in order to achieve your purpose, to be future-proofed and push for change in order to achieve your ambitions and make an impact.

What I do?

I work with leaders who are people-centered, future-focused and solution-oriented.

They’re the leaders who make transformation happen: create solutions, experiences, build products and services, and move the world forward.

If you’re one of them, I gladly help you and your team take on your most complex challenges. From transforming your business, making a greater personal impact in society, or building a future-proofed innovative solution.

I think in systems and will help you build systems that have the power to make change at scale. My approach is focused on 3 key ingredients: purpose-driven, future-proofing, change-pushing. I consider the whole system and create solutions that focus on where transformation is needed most.

How I am different?

  • I listen to you, envision where you want to take your business, imagine what’s possible. Then I help you build up a system and together we work on the transformation process in a realistic way.
  • My work is visual and visible, but substantive as well. There is always a strategy and a reason behind a nice-looking sketch.
  • Everything I create is for you and yours. My work is designed based on your unique organization and relevant for it.
  • I don’t lecture. I bring ideas to life through creative design, learning experiences and training.
  • I don’t create solutions to treat symptoms. I will dig up to find the root cause and I will design a system that will empower your team to use what they already have, own the problem and co-create the solution, accomplishing more than they thought.

Some of my clients

The clients I have done projects for, range from self-preneurs to Fortune 300, from single mom writers, to multinational companies looking for outside-the-box solutions on HR, IT or organizational development. They are almost 1000, from all over the world, but lately mostly from Switzerland, Germany, Austria, UK, US, France, Italy, Spain, Australia and Romania.
“Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. It is hard to make something simple.” – Richard Branson


I design and consult on products that empower people to become the best versions of themselves.
Transformation starts with an intention and a vision, but it becomes real when people change behaviors and attitudes. This is where products, tools, as part of a system of experiences come in very handy.
I help you envision, design, build, prototype, pilot, and scale new products and services to activate the human potential of your employees, customers, or audience. I have created first-of-a-kind products for Scoala de Valori, Zentiva, Petrom, Holcim, Ernst & Young, ING, Johnson & Johnson, BCR, Coca-Cola, HP, Microsoft and many others.
Projects and companies with my design:

reb-translations.com | rentebrains.com | ice-breaker.ro | byarmina.com

I’d love to hear from you

Contact me at [safe_email]armina.sirbu@gmail.com[/safe_email]